This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... intelligent cells. This entire body system is known as the subconscious m ind. Thus the subconscious mind of man is in complete ... The FIRST and foremost characteristic of the all -powerful subconscious mind is likened to a gigantic computer, fed by the all - read more...

... intuitions came from—whether from above or below, from the subconscious or the supra-conscious, from the level of logic and the ... with cosmic energy, a receptor of the Source. It is the subconscious mind, and it vibrates with intelligence. It knows all, sees read more...

... from mom Della to John: "If I were you I wouldn't let the subconscious mind get the best of me.") Acknowledgements xi: Mrs. ... P. 183+ P. 183 "At least 90% four mental life is subconscious ... The subconscious mind is the source of power and self read more...

... Theosophy and the Central Sun; Freemasonry and the Subconscious Mind; Blavatsky vs. Bailey (July 2013) John Fetzer’s 1967 ... found to be a Theosophical concept. -- the notion of the subconscious mind as a person’s ‘conduit for contact’ with the Divine read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 9 of 9 December 11, 2017

... this picture of the meditation process being— involving the subconscious mind and spiritual energy, uh, being the above, and the ... physical plane being the below, and the subconscious being the—sort of the transition vehicle between the two. read more...

... “Rosicrucian degrees” with their teachings about the subconscious mind as well as the Kabbalah. We do not know with ... Intelligence. ... This entire body system is known as the subconscious mind. Thus the subconscious mind of man is in complete read more...

... must be cast aside. One must “live beyond the mind!” The Subconscious Mind It is important today, and more so in the time of ... generations, to know in depth the functional methods of subconscious activity. At least ninety percent of our mental life is subconscious; moreover, a very small portion of this great mental world read more...

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