... in the
80s, the founder’s statement, the book “One Man’s Search”, and channeling sessions held
between Jim Gordon and John ... John was interested in the Institute funding scientific research into spirituality,
and in promoting “Spiritual Freedom.”
huge amount, pathway, reality, collective spiritual growth, destiny, potential, explore frontier research currently, history, pioneer, physical
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unite, death, business career, discern, funds, authority, core component, Board, leaders trustees, new kind, people, individuals, excerpts, purposes, living component, great program areas, business world, Fetzer Legacy Committee Mike, spiritual growth, nature, level, accord, discover, direction, communication, Institute BF, journey p, absolute ground upon, capacity, serious mission, esoteric spiritual mission, legal sense, world, thoughts, able, forward, foundation, spent close, mover advantage, expansion, aspects, time frame, process, white paper, climate, life, hours, present organization, specific purpose, quests, last two plus years, follows Opening Remarks, Carol Hegedus list, spiritual matters, individual, spiritual devotion, board, spiritual wells, acceleration, name, important, Institute commitments, view, Spirit led, Holy, P TB, collective responsibility, similar organization, next generation, demonstrated, architect, appreciation, essence, Foundation Institute, time, portfolio BF, several generations, Bruce, group, personal spiritual growth, JEF March, question, broader scope, goals, actual existence, multiplicity, grievous error, Institute funding scientific, New Age, least two areas, aware, Institute commitment TB, market, United States, basis, promise, personal, BF John, mission statement MG John, edge, important thing, way TB John, significant disparity between, captures, many discussions, change, desire, intensions, evaluations, aspect helped, motion, esoteric mission, esoteric approach, programs John, questions, CoChairs, implement, himself, accomplished, part, inner workings Trust loyalty friendship, incorporated, appear, love, born, founding purpose, critical time, constantly draw, discussion, BF spiritual, study, issues, January Author Fetzer Memorial Trust Category, Institute Foundation, anything, Father, permanently, document, TB NA, tax status, primary issues, improve, man, experiences TB John, clear, team, spiritual practice, every moment, focused, esoteric, key, Histories, esoteric spiritual, documents, two documents, relation, catalyst, purpose, worlds, Guardian, interests, many, phenomenal optimist, understands, effort, nature intensity, respects, discussions, Trust, close, open, continual basis, staff, emphasis, outer, benefits, dogmatic, priority, Foundation report, following document combines feedback, phsychic phenomena, mission, implemented, nucleus, ingredient, dozens, conducted, Foundation, John consistently advocated, current guiding purpose, much, Action, real question, science, Hierarchy Holy, favorite quote, issue, religion, Institute BF JEF quote, scientists, inner, TB Collective spiritual growth, focus, way, numerous people, archangel Michael, outer structure, requires leadership, sisters, submitted, spiritual, spirituality, planning retreat TB, years, reference point, MG NA, moment, spiritually, world MG, organization, conventional, indeed, responsive, prepared, relationship, presence, contact, main, rank order, Arch, times, implementation, intentions, particular parts, activities, Man, However, ushering, call, specifically, Institute Please consider, board member, mission ordained, established, union, Jim Gordon, tank, spiritual mission, things, Memorial Trust, First John, path, resources, respect thereto, Institute Trustees, Fetzer Spirit, firmly, every aspect, Scientific inquiry, legacy, Freedom, groundbreakers, priorities, time period, first question, image, Institute, seeds, ability, year, simply, substantial portion, development, personality, respond, actual priorities, process BF John, kind, sorts, conjunction, esoteric visions, impression, pragmatist, personal esoteric, brothers, Insight Seminars, underlying living component, presently represented, one, envision, foremost function, ideas, esoteric vision, Jesus, present, Fetzer felt, formula, role, vision, fulfill, incorporate, person, directives BF, journey, hopes, principles, cancer, responsibility, function, God, work, first twenty years, courage, meditation shabt yoga, faith, Trustees, soul, multifaceted personality, harmony, concern, automatically, spiritual guidance, Fetzer, concerns, Creator, archives, following process, book, many facets, overall spiritual, relatively, committee, write, long time, need, realization, residence, spiritual search, critical, atmosphere, responses, lie, top, spiritually inner growth, source, spurring conflict, grantmaking foundation operating, areas, necessary, human issues, guidance, drove, choice, mystical pathways, constant integration, legacy Jan page, follow, mankind, source God, Numerous activities, opportunities, hope, closeknit, merging, secretive, fellow man, Fetzer one, unearth, E Fetzer Spirit, programs, establish, Staff, another, uplift mankind, belief, John, taught, seek, scholars, emanate, sought ways, reinforce, funding programs, Spirit, whether
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