... uniqueness of John E Fetzer’s approach and vision create a
responsibility for the trustees that transcend ordinary trust obligations. ... terminates in 2011.
The scope of trustees goes beyond the responsibility of administering the Fetzer
Memorial Trust and its
accountable, Age, period, chairman receives, mix, public scrutiny, body, Baseball Hall, days, interview Time spent
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full time, litigation, flexible program, notforprofit organizations, Bob Boisture counsel, implementing, administering operations, return, memorandum, purposes, obligations, perpetual vision, group, article IX, personal sacrifice, foundation board, mission, preservation, assets, permanently, personal spiritual, Board Governance Draft Author Bruce Fetzer Category Trust Histories JEF Memorial, Institute, one, backdrop, Fetzer Business Center, varies, John, ordinary, Directors, Twelve one day board, Fetzer Institute, private foundation established, inception, compensation framework, extraordinary time commitments, Institute budget, implementation John, unique knowledge, trustees, induction, founder, vision, Additionally daily contact, Nov, John E Fetzer archive project, Trustee hereunder shall, compensation, museum, redesign, Fetzer Memorial Trust governance, record, year verses, trustee brings key knowledge, order, Archangel Michael, Trust document, IRS State, personal commitment, BOARD, DEEPLY, grow faster, Institute f, Questions Directors, Abut, unique charter, close, uniqueness, unique organization, individuals, outside commentary, appointed trustees requires, reasonable compensation, incumbent, fiduciary responsibilities, currently, twenty years, RE Rob, benefactor John, Trust, Fame, administering, Attendance, esoteric, esoteric purposes, trust, Canadian Institute, characterized, financial, beyond, one endowment grants, Fetzer, Law, Hall, Freedom, situations arise, MEMORANDUM, Accountants Dr Bart CA pg John, work, parts, Fetzer specifically, baseball, remuneration, TIME, Fetzer Memorial Trust governance background page, National Association, spiritual, corpus, responsibilities, Fetzer Memorial Trust, unique purpose, year, normal threeyear review, extensive litigation, separate endowments, approach, administrative, beneficiary, average director spends hours, Spirit, mathematical fact, source Roger Raber CEO, scope, Trustees donate space office, behalf, Michigan, direct involvement, activities, provision, program, million larger, million, significant roles, Trustees, book, average trustee spends approximately three days, another, clear intent, responsibility, source, vital, available
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