... testis, from terstis, the third—is the one who is transparently, selflessly present in the very moment of the two. ... together. Therese’s “Little Way” is that of a child to a parent. Hers is the way of “spiritual childhood,” while John, read more...
... first moment with John in personal conversation, it was apparent to me that John did not live a separated life from the ... the measuring stick of his love of God. In hearing such apparently unrealistic, utopian prophetic words, we are reminded read more...
... precipitating the origin of the name of Wenger, it is apparent that present-day descendants of those early families did ... families descended from a common ancestor, it becomes apparent that scores of present Wenger families are descendants of read more...
... in neighborhood of earlier parsonage. Interlude May I say, parenthetically, that my wife, Rhea Fetzer, and I visited this ... However, the Fetzer and Steimer sons wrote their parents that each of them already had fifty acres of land. After read more...
... “This is why , John , you are here today, for you are the parent who will take the hands of the Foundation and the ... to John and the core gr oup this notion that John is a parent who will take in his hands the Foundation and the read more...
... Civil War greatly fed this furor, as tens of thousands of parents and wives sent their boys and husbands off to war never to ... Ena Twigg who, he said, put him in touch with his deceased parents. In addition, it was at Camp Chesterfield that John would read more...
... thought was a proper course of asking and to go slow but apparently what I’m requesting it may slow down too much the other ... the doers, the workers, the accomplishers. Let you be the parent, the father that has given birth to these children, to read more...
... the female) and Osiris (the male) were considered equal as “parent Gods,” with Horus their offspring or “son.” In fact, if read more...
... signed the Declaration of Independence were the fathers and parents of a new nation, so too here - those who put their names ... upon the Foundation become the parents who must guide and raise that child to fulfillment. ... P. read more...
... the purity and perfection of Love as it really is. Our parents may have “loved” us, but many of us remember their ... love was really dependency and fear. Maybe our parents used to tell us, “We are only doing this because read more...