... action. From that day to this more than 100,000 reports of UFO sightings have been reported from every part of the globe. ... disbelieve and those that do. The disbelievers say that UFO reports are the result of: a. A mild form of mass hysteria read more...
... uh, uh, Ed Mitchell, of course, became involved with the UFO thing, because he was from Roswell. He grew up in Roswell. ... So we'll touch on UFOs here in a minute. But through Judy, then, of course, she read more...
... was like in another language. Larry You typed his UFO speech up, too, didn’t you? C-Dailey Yes. ... after I started working with John. Tom That was a UFO outbreak around here, so it was probably in the news. read more...
... an hour and a half—and they felt they had been taken up by UFO. They didn’t remember it, but all of a sudden they were on ... that was designed to go Mach 9+ (and which, according to ufologists, was reversed engineered from alien UFOs). The Avro read more...
... they shipped it out to Canada. The Air Force built a UFO that was supposed to go nine times, Mach 9. It would go ... that was supposedly designed from reverse engineering of UFOs. Its problem was the low speed stability. It would crash read more...
... Rhea Joins in with Adventures with Fortunetellers, Mediums, UFO’s In the later 1940s, Rhea’s diary indicates several visits ... he saw reports of Nazi ‘foo-fighters’—that is, UFOs—interfering with Allied planes in their bombing runs over read more...
... , by Freemasonry, by Theosophy, and later, by the post-WWII UFO craze, and by Transcendental Meditation (his first serious read more...
... he ever talk to you about - if I can name some things : UFOs ? Jim Oh yes, yes. We talked a lot about that. ... I think maybe that tied in with the flying saucer and UFO stuff. Jim Very much, right. Larry He really read more...
... an hour and a half—and they felt they had been taken up by UFO. They didn’t remember it, but all of a sudden they were on ... according to uflogists, was reversed engineered from alien UFOs). The Avro car had stability problems at both high speed read more...