... And so, I had several opportunities to interact with the things that he did, but then also with him personally. I worked in ... very perceptive and intuitive abilities. And so, there were things that John exposed me to that were beyond explanation, that read more...
... of Tom Swift. This scientific fiction predicted an array of things that would happen sometime in the future. I used to ... of balance as indicated. Healing will take place in the physical form as the electronic beam is administered through t he read more...
... ultimately could support, through new -found evidence, metaphysical and Para psychological endeav ors of merit. Needless to say ... is anti -matter. This not only will be expressed in the physical but the anti -physical - - a channel to another dimension read more...
... has consulting panels, representing the biological, physical and social sciences. This latter group consists of over 30 ... another inertial system. The theory suggests, among other things, why the phenomena forecast by Einstein ’s Theories take read more...
... a starting point, we would be thinking about the usage of things that might blend into the natural atmosphere that we have. ... When you look at it, it has some curves, and it has some things in it; about as near as I can come is, it looks like the read more...
... into greater places of clarity and understanding. These are things the institute can do, individually and collectively, as it ... love is the unifying energy field that mobilizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resources in the caring read more...
... to discover and enhance the integral relationships of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of experience ... of the Foundation – of working within humankind on a physical, emoti onal, mental and spiritual level. For in order to read more...
... for a new concept concerning the extra terrestrial order of things in relation to individual spiritual needs, this is in no ... reservoir, the Central Sun - - the Universal Mind. The physical man is an intricate electronic device with a set of read more...
... through its research program this understanding through the physical, through the emot ional, through the mental and through the ... understanding, or as wellness or illnesses. All of the se things can be researched in our long -range goal. If you look into read more...
... the powers of nature and converting abundant resources into things of usefulness, they had built a new and vastly improved physical world. Tireless machines performed much of the heavy toil ... in this enriched world, released from so many of his former physical burdens, blessed with enlarged opportunities for greater read more...