... entrepreneur in the broadcasting industry, but that wasn't enough. He had a dream that he wanted to make the world a better ... said, "Gee, Mr. Fetzer, how come you don't retire? You got enough money." And without batting an eyelash, John turned to Tim read more...
... would be represented by t he stem with the bud just opened enough to disclose the pistil of the flower. The petals of the ... purse or scrip. They never beg, ask alms, or accept food or money from any one. They are always in touch with each ot her and read more...
... it only in the privileged conditions of meditation is not enough. Surely, the next step of the spiritual search in our ... Time or space does not permit us to penetrate deeply enough to find completely satisfying answers. The length and read more...
... And I ran it for a couple years, and then they ran out of money. And they said, you'd better sell it. I said, Most of the ... you'd better sell it to me. (laughter) I don't have any money either. I'm broke, I don't have any money, never have had read more...
... the commander would give Wanger so much that he should have enough all the days of his life; he would, moreover, be surety for ... 9, 1710. Mr. Ritter, who headed the mission, was without money or friends as a result of his failure. The boatman was read more...
... in the Berlin telephone directory. From this I was curious enough to check every city I entered thereafter, only to find that ... From the standpoint of European orthodoxy, it would be easy enough to establish the quality of these family allegations. read more...
... period of time because as of yet, he has not evolved highly enough in his consciousness to hold it for long-term. Yes, he can ... to help guide and direct the funding avenues, so that the money goes properly to certain areas that is really needed to be read more...
... of mankind. From those funds put aside, there will be enough money for them to survive on, to travel and teach, to do ... of the Foundation. This would leave a great deal of money yet set aside, and this is what we wish to discuss with read more...
... typed out cards for the daily lessons etc. Interestingly enough, the Course in Miracles keeps coming up lately , so I ... meaning. It wasn’t about business. It wasn’t about making money. It really wasn’t about broadcasting. That was the means by read more...
... group had been meeting at that time, and it was formed well enough to where we would talk about very esoteric things. I ... He would have thought, This guy’s trying to get some money out of me. Larry That would be it. Bruce That’s immediately read more...